September 2012 archive

IPA and Pumpkin ale bottled- Batch 53 and 54

Bottled my IPA and Pumpkin ale tonight. IPA final gravity was 1.014, and the Pumpkin final was 1.018, giving  me an alcohol percentage of 6.56 for the IPA and 8.75 for the  Pumpkin. You  know, I don’t really trust my alcohol readings anymore.   Why is this so different from my others? Oh, well. They …

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IPA and Pumpkin Ale- Batch 53 and 54

Pumpkin in my lauder tun

Gearing up for a beer tasting event next month, and my beer is the one going to be on the spot.  So, for the first two beers I’m making an IPA and a Pumpkin ale.  Here are the recipes. God Is Good IPA Preboil tea 3-1/2 gallons (17 L) water 1 pound 60L Crystal malt …

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