October 2018 archive

What is Your Muse?

Another muddling day grinding away for a few dollars to pay my bill collectors. Uninspiring and dull. Training and mentoring my assistant, making sure end-users can do their jobs, the usual drudgery of an IT guy. But, that’s uninspiring.  What is inspiring?  Why, I’m glad you asked! For me, lots of things inspire me, but …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=1037

Encouraging My Wife

Yesterday, my wife was running on empty. She was drained. And I was going to spend my time encouraging her.  Since I had the day off I was going to encourage her. I started off in the morning trying to help her in the morning and letting her know how wonderful she is.  I have …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=1033

A Break from Work

Yesterday I was feeling horrible, my muscles ached, my body was trying to shut down, and my stomach was turning.  So, did I go home? Nope. I tried to tough it out.  Eventually I gave up and went home after my assistant asked me what he could do as I was grumbling and swearing under …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=1031

Negative Self-Talk

So, one of the things that I struggle with is negative self talk. I criticize myself unnecessarily. I try not to. I try to have an honest view of myself and what I’m worth, but when I get fed negativity it is hard.  Well, shoot Brett. Just cut out the negative people from your life. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=1027

Thankful Blog Post

11/12/2018 For flirting via text messages For sleep For coffee For energy to finish my day For reviews   11/11/2018 For awesome sex with my wife For lazy Sundays For a fridge and freezer full of food For the warmth of a working furnace For guacamole   11/5/2018 For keeping my cool throughout the day …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=1025


I’ve been procrastinating coming up with goals for myself.  Well, I have goals, I just haven’t formally written them up and began working on them.  Rachel Hollis says to write up a gazillion goals (well, 10, but that’s a gazillion- NO, I AM NOT OVER DRAMATIC!), but I feel it’s more realistic for me to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=1021

Life and Income and Frustrations

It has been almost a year since I decided to get serious about my health and to start losing weight. The journey had been amazing, more amazing in that my wife and I are in this together. I honestly don’t know how I would have done without her encouragement and knowing she is on this …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=1019