What is Your Muse?

Another muddling day grinding away for a few dollars to pay my bill collectors. Uninspiring and dull. Training and mentoring my assistant, making sure end-users can do their jobs, the usual drudgery of an IT guy. But, that’s uninspiring.  What is inspiring?  Why, I’m glad you asked!

For me, lots of things inspire me, but I love fiction. Sci-fi, fantasy, comics- you name it!  The last two years I have been running a D&D campaign set in a fantasy world of my own creation. Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever created your own world, but it can be daunting.  The hardest part was getting started.  How do you start creating a world? Shoot. That’s hard!

I eventually decided on a big picture view of my world. What gods are there in the world? This took me some time to come up with, but I decided to build a pantheon based on the seven vices and virtues.  OK, that’s a start. How do people in the world view the gods?  Well, how about a mixture of opinions? How about most view that each god has its own place in life?  Hmm….

How about the world history? I love the idea of Lovecraft’s elder gods, the horrific C’Thulu type terrors that exist to haunt and destroy and create nightmares? I don’t like Lovecraft’s idea that horror is the norm and life as we know it is the exception, I would rather the horror be the exception.  So, I decided to put them in my world. Why not downplay them until the players discover their true nature? Sure! Let’s call them Titans! Greek nod, but Lovecraftian horror. Yes, my world is shaping up.

Then I need some world themes.  Well, I have 14 gods, how about 14 continents? 14 mountains in the mountains of the gods? 14 months in the year? 14 great weapons hidden in the world?  I love it!

How do the gods interact with the titans? Well, the gods banished the titans, obviously. They actively protect the world from the titans returning, and have blocked all travel to the world from all planes of existence. Now I have this great war with the gods and titans and the world being thrown into turmoil, and a new age beginning at the expulsion of the titans.  Very cool.

Now, I need a big, bad guy.  I won’t discuss the inspiration for him or his back story, but it is truly frightening!  Muahahahaaaa!!!!!  I drew upon ideas and stories I had back when I first started playing D&D back in the late 80’s.  If we are able to play long enough the players will uncover something truly epic and frightening.

Now, what other inspiration can I draw from?  Well, I loved the Dune series. The idea of a rare resource only located in one place was cool. Psychotropic berries.  Enderberries, from the town Enderbrooke, named after the river blessed by the gods after the battle of the titans. Due to the holy nature of the water the berries will only grow along the riverbank. They are sought after by all the peoples of the world.

Now kingdoms.  Well, elf, dwarf, halfling kingdoms seem logical. How about a magocracy? Yes! Where will my story take place? The untamed lands, a place with no ruler, everyone governs themselves, and all the kingdoms of the world want to rule.  What keeps them out? Prophecy and the threat of destruction of Enderberries if anyone invades.  But I love political intrigue, so lets give all kingdoms of the world a chance to claim ownership of the untamed lands.  So, with these ideas percolating I began to build my world.

Needless to say, this has been fun and inspiring, and has kept me busy creating plots, characters, political intrigue, and stories.  It’s been fun and exciting!

Some days I have no desire to create- yesterday was such a day.  Today I have the muse.  I want to create. I want to write.  There’s a bunch of work I need to do as I have details for my current adventure to hammer out and I have another adventure after this one to write, but while the muse is upon me I shall write!

What inspires you to create?

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