Last Thursday the 18th I bottled the Beamish Stout clone I made. So, since some of you have never bottled your own beer, let me walk you through the experience. To bottle properly, you need to: 1) Sanitize all your bottles and your bottling bucket. I like to get my bucket full of sanitizing solution, …
December 2008 archive
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Dec 13
Holiday Cheer! Batch 18 Bottled
Today I bottled my 18th batch of beer, the Holiday Cheer! Final gravity came out to be 1.012, initial was 1.052, difference of .040. So, alcohol by volume should be around 5.25%, same as the IPA I brewed. Can’t wait till this matures in the bottle. Going to be a good one!
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Dec 12
Beamish Stout Clone- Batch 19
Wednesday evening I brewed a Beamish Stout clone, thanks to the clone recipe we got from a magazine with 150 recipies in it. We used the extract recipe, not the all grain recipe listed below. So, gathered the ingredients, put some water on the kettle, and began mashing the grains. The recipe called …
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Dec 09
Holiday Cheer- Batch 18
Last night I brewed my first seasonal beer using Papazian’s recipe for something he calls “Holiday Cheer.” It uses 7lbs of light malt extract, 1/2lb of crystal malt, 2oz of black malt, 1lb of honey, orange peels, fresh ground ginger root, and cinnamon. It also uses Cascade and Saaz hops, but since I don’t have …
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Dec 04
Batch 17 Bottled- Buckingham Bitter
Bottled the Buckingham Bitter last night, the second time we brewed this. Final gravity came out to be 1.012, with an initial gravity of 1.042, giving us a .030 difference. Multiply that by 105 gives us 3.15, the alcohol percentage by weight. Multiply that by 1.25 gives us 3.94, which is it’s alcohol by volume. …
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