Bottled the Buckingham Bitter last night, the second time we brewed this. Final gravity came out to be 1.012, with an initial gravity of 1.042, giving us a .030 difference. Multiply that by 105 gives us 3.15, the alcohol percentage by weight. Multiply that by 1.25 gives us 3.94, which is it’s alcohol by volume.
This time I’m sitting on my portion of the batch for a while. Some people might see some around Christmas time, but that’s about it. I’m going to hoard it.
Now, the time is approaching to decide on our next beer. We’re looking at a Papazian recipe “Cherries in the Snow” or doing a Beamish stout clone. The Cherries in the Snow is dependent on whether or not I can get 10lbs of cherries for free, as there is no way I’m paying for that amount of cherries (this whole homebrew thing started as a way to SAVE money on beer.) I’m also tossing around the idea of a holiday beer as well. Given that this is the holiday season, I’d better decide soon.
I helped!