Yesterday I bottled my weizenbeir. Final gravity was 1.010, for a final alcohol by volume of 5.25%. Taste wise, it was less wheaty than I normally like, but that was due to the extra corn sugar I put in lightening the flavor. The hop presence was nice, you could really pick out the hallertauer’s- not …
May 2009 archive
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May 15
Batch 26- Weizenbeir
Had a little bit of money left over from a job I did, so I decided to make some beer. Not wanting to do an all-grain without my buddy Jared, I decided to do a Papazian recipe that was pretty dirt cheap, his Lovebite Weizenbeir. The irony is my friend Jared, independent of me, did …
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May 15
Batch 25- Lucky Stout
Back in March I brewed my 25th batch of beer. Did a remake of the famous Lucky Stout (famous among those who’ve tried it.) Bottled it on 3/18/09, and have only a few bottles left. My next brew is a German style Weizen, will follow up once I pitch the yeast.
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