Had a little bit of money left over from a job I did, so I decided to make some beer. Not wanting to do an all-grain without my buddy Jared, I decided to do a Papazian recipe that was pretty dirt cheap, his Lovebite Weizenbeir. The irony is my friend Jared, independent of me, did the same beer. But, being the creative types we are, we both modified the original recipe.
The recipe calls for 6.6lbs of wheat extract, but I can get 7lbs of wheat at Steinbarts for cheaper, so I used 7lbs. It also called for 3/4 oz of Hallertauer hops, but I used 1oz and 1oz of Saaz for aroma. During the boil, instead of adding the entire 7lbs of liquid extract I added only 2/3 of it up front and the rest with 15 minutes left. Hallertauer’s were in the whole boil and the Saaz were added with 2 minutes left. Oh, also added a bit of corn sugar, just to up the alcohol.
Today I pitched my yeast, good old Safbrew WB-06, after taking my initial gravity reading, which was 1.050. Should be a nice 4 to 4.5% alcohol by volume brew. Nice and drinkable. We’ll see how she turns out at bottling time.
Who Said What?