Category: beer

Mead – Batch 35

Ok, I’ve been negligent lately on my blog.  So much so that I can’t remember the exact day I brewed by first batch of mead.  I believe it was the 23rd of December, so I’ll go with that. Deciding to brave this journey, I began with a very basic mead recipe.  15 pounds of honey, …

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Unspoken Passion and Holiday Cheer Bottled

Last Friday (12/11) I was finally able to get to bottling my two batches of beer, my Holiday Cheer and my Unspoken Passion Imperial Stout (batches 33 and 34).  I had originally planned on transferring the stout to a secondary to help it settle, but with my time limitations I just went straight to bottling. …

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How To Use 11lbs of Raspberries – Batch 34

So, if you have 11lbs of raspberries, want something reminiscent of chocolate and raspberries, and you love beer, what do you do?  Easy!  Make Papazian’s Unspoken Passion Imperial Stout. So, this freaking expensive beer makes 6.5 gallons, and takes 6lbs light malt extract, TWO 4lb stout kits, 1.5lbs crystal malt, 1/2lb black roasted malt, 3/4lb …

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Holiday Cheer – Batch 33

It’s that time of year again!  Time to make some good holiday beer!  I wanted to start this one sooner, but given I didn’t have any money until recently I couldn’t exactly buy my supplies. For this years batch I did a few things different.  First, I used the actual Saaz finishing hops, as opposed …

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A Six Pack a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A new study from Spain shows that drinking six beers a day leads to a healthier heart. Seriously, I’m not making this up. Check the new story on this here.  Very interesting to see all the health related benefits that moderate alcohol consumption has.

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Bottled My Oatmeal Stout and Pilsener- Batch 32 and 31

Tonight I decided to bottle all my beer, which is my Pilsener I’ve had in my fridge for 2 months, and the Oatmeal Stout I did a week and a half ago with my friend Mike. Bottled the Pilsener first, getting 46 out of it.  Final gravity came out to be 1.012, giving me an …

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Oatmeal Stout – Batch 32

Last week my friend Mike and I went to Steinbart’s to check it out, as he’s never been there before.  Of course, I can’t walk in there without getting something, so we left there with ingredients to make an oatmeal stout. Now, I’ve made this particular stout before, and it turned out awesome!  This time, …

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Tracy’s Framboise- Batch 24 Bottled (Finally!)

Tonight we bottled Tracy’s Framboise that’s been sitting in the fermenter since March 1st.  All that time sitting there had me extremely curious as to how it would turn out, especially since the trub in the fermenter looked nasty. Siphoned the beer into my bottling bucket, then took the final gravity, which came to 1.004.  …

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Batch 31 Update- Top Drop Pilsener

According to Papazian, this wonderful beer should be transferred to a secondary fermenter after 2 weeks of lagering.  Given that it’s 2-1/2 weeks (roughly), it was time to do the transfer. I desperately wanted to keep using the same fermenter that it was currently in, so I transferred it to my bottling bucket, cleaned and …

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Craving a Pilsener- Batch 31

Yep.  I was craving a Pilsener.  But, rather than spending money buying beer, I decided to spend money to make beer.  And with an extra fridge to lager in, I decided it’s time to break it in. Did Papazian’s recipe for Top Drop Pilsener, settling for a White Labs WPL800, given that I went to …

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