So, my friend Rob Morrison got a ton of fresh hops from a friend. Naturally, we had to brew. So, we did a fresh hop IPA based on my God is Good beer recipe. Here is the modified recipe: 3 gallons water 1 pound 60L Crystal malt 2 pounds 2 row malt 7 pounds pale …
Category: Brett’s Beer Company
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Aug 19
Hefeweizen – Batch 56 Bottled
So, on Saturday 8/10 I bottled my Hefeweizen, which I also call my Witty Weizenbeir. Final gravity came out to be 1.014, giving me an alcohol percentage of 5.5%. Not too shabby. The Hallertauer aroma is wonderful, the beer has a good malt body with a nice show of hop flavor. Definitely did a good …
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Aug 03
Hefeweizen and Peach Hefeweizen – Batch 56 and 57
It’s been since October since I’ve brewed. So, decided to do a hefeweizen. But I also wanted to do a peach hefeweizen. Well, why not do both? So I did. After much contemplation I decided on doing one big 10 gallon batch, and I will put half with peaches in a secondary. That way I’ll …
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Oct 20
Big Fat Oatmeal Stout- Batch 55 bottled
I bottled the beer tonight, with the help of my friend Rob. I also helped him bottle two beers he’s been sitting on since March. At least they’re beers that mature well with age! Final gravity came out to be 1.024, which would give me an 8.7% alcohol by volume. Nice! Of course, we tasted …
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Oct 12
Imperial Oatmeal Stout- Batch 55
Gearing up for a beer tasting party next month and need to cap it off with a good stout. Was planning on doing my old stand by Oatmeal Stout, which I love, but I wanted to do something bigger. Something better. Something…. imperial! So, here’s what I came up with for a recipe: 2 lbs …
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Sep 15
IPA and Pumpkin ale bottled- Batch 53 and 54
Bottled my IPA and Pumpkin ale tonight. IPA final gravity was 1.014, and the Pumpkin final was 1.018, giving me an alcohol percentage of 6.56 for the IPA and 8.75 for the Pumpkin. You know, I don’t really trust my alcohol readings anymore. Why is this so different from my others? Oh, well. They …
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Sep 03
IPA and Pumpkin Ale- Batch 53 and 54
Gearing up for a beer tasting event next month, and my beer is the one going to be on the spot. So, for the first two beers I’m making an IPA and a Pumpkin ale. Here are the recipes. God Is Good IPA Preboil tea 3-1/2 gallons (17 L) water 1 pound 60L Crystal malt …
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Jul 23
Weizenbeir-Hefeweizen-Wheat whatever- Batch 52
So, a friend of mine asked me if my blog was up to date. Yes, I said. He said you haven’t brewed since April. Yeah, yeah. My beer supplies are running low, time for a summer beer. I brewed my traditional Half-a-weizen on Sunday. Simple recipe- 7lbs liquid wheat malt extract. Hop schedule I used …
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Apr 16
Bottled the IPA and Belgian Dubbel- Batch 50 and 51
Saturday I bottled my IPA and my Dubbel. The IPA I named “God is Good IPA”, and of course I’m sticking “Rob’s Belgian Dubbel” for the dubbel. The IPA final gravity came to 1.022, which doing straight math would give a 6.3% alcohol by volume, but I didn’t do the initial and final before and …
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