Tag: home brew

Bottled Batch 12

“The Good Life,” as I am planning on calling it, is now bottled and waiting to carbonate in the bottle.  In a week it will be drinkable.  I had some help tonight bottling it, from some strange sexy woman….  Now, at this stage (in the fermentation bucket) all beer has a strange layer of gunk at …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=181

Batch 13- The Wild Hops Brew

I got some free hops off of Craigslist, so I thought what better way to test them out than to make a batch of beer! I wanted it to be generic and inexpensive ale so I can really see what these hops characteristics are.  So, I picked up 10 lbs of two row and 1 …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=179

Batch 12- 6 Months in the Making

Not really 6 months in the making, it’s just been that long since I’ve brewed. I’m dead broke.  So, one day a friend approaches me with an offer:  He’ll buy the ingredients, I brew the beer, he takes a portion as payoff for his investment.  Sounds good to me! So, I scoured my Joy of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=173

Batch 11 Follow Up

Forgot to post about the results of my batch 11 brew, good old Papazian’s Humpty Dumpty English Bitter.  As I suspected, the alcohol content is weak (about 1%), there is a lack of maltiness in the finish that I love.  But, the hops have a beautiful aroma and a great start.  During the hot weather …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=117

Batch 11 Ready to Bottle

Saturday I brewed what I affectionately called “The $10 beer.”  Papazian has a recipe called “Humpty Dumpty’s Original Bitter” which I was able to buy ingredients for for around $10.  To help me out, my brother in law Jeremy met me at my in-laws house where we did our brewing. The recipe calls for 6lbs …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=101

New Lauder Tun

Just went to Steinbarts looking for just a bucket I can drill holes in to make a lauder tun.  This type of lauder tun is what Papazian recommends in “The Complete Joy of Home Brewing” (he calls it the zap-a-pap lauder tun.)  All it basically is is a bucket with a thousand holes drilled in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=100

A Terrific Compliment

Had a friend and co-worker make this statement about my Oatmeal Stout: Probably some of the best stuff I’ve had in quite a while. I would buy that brand of oatmeal all day long! Seriously, it was right up my alley in so many ways…in fact…do you have enough stored to fill a growler or …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=94

Batch 10- Flemmish Brown

I purchased two beer kits a while back for making a Belgian style Old Flemmish Brown ale, and got around to brewing it on Sunday.  Made some Belgian candy sugar to add to it, and given that I don’t have a scale yet to measure the amount to put in, I overestimated and put too …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=91

Beer Failures

I’ve brewed 9 batches of beer since I began this brewing adventure back in Christmas, and it has been a learning process. And, as most people will attest to, no learning is complete without some failure. My second batch was my first attempt at oatmeal stout, and despite the fun we had brewing it, we …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=85

Oatmeal Stout- Whole Grain Goodness

I brewed batch 9 yesterday, some Oatmeal Stout.  I used Papazian’s mini-mash recipe from The Complete Joy of Homebrewing.  Now, I purchased the grains a few weeks ago and had them crushed when I purchased them so I wouldn’t have to try to do it myself.  Of course, no one told me to brew them …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.brettgorley.com/?p=84